Real Property Management South Orlando

How Can I Improve the Air Quality in My Windermere Rental Property?

Studies clearly show that indoor air can become very hazardous over time. Pollutants, dust, smoke, pet dander, and other common substances can instigate poor indoor air quality – unless they are filtered out. As such, investing in an air filtration system can undoubtedly vastly improve the air quality in your Kissimmee rental home. Except, there are confusingly several different kinds of air filters and purifiers, all of which have advantages and disadvantages. Most air filtering systems work as they claim, but it’s also true that others may do little more than move air around your home. To make sure that you get an air filtration system that is worth the investment, it is imperative to learn a little as regards what options are available and what to expect as you shop.

Benefits of Air Filters and Purifiers

When used correctly, air filters and purifiers have many benefits. An excellent air filter can help clean up common indoor pollutants and toxins, clean pet dander, smoke, and dust out of the air, reduce the symptoms of respiratory problems, and make your home smell cleaner. These benefits are sorely needed for someone with asthma or other related chronic illnesses. Improved indoor air quality can help diminish eye, nose, and throat irritation, headaches, and allergy symptoms. Numerous air purifiers can even help kill bacteria usually associated with the common cold and the flu.


Types of Home Air Filters


Home air filters and purifiers come in whole sets of styles and sizes. These include:

  • Standard Air Filters: These fiber, paper, or mesh filters can clean dust and dander particles out of the air. One well-known type of air filter is a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, which can trap particulates that other filters may overlook.
  • Electrostatic Air Filters: This air filter uses an electrically charged screen or panel to filter particles out of the air. Aside from that, included in this sort would be ionizer filters, which work by attaching electrically charged ions to common air pollutant particles. This makes the particles heavy, after which they just simply drop out of the air.
  • Activated Carbon Filters: Even though this type of filter is not largely used by smaller home air purifiers, this type of filter uses activated carbon to take away gases and odors from the air. Except, activated carbon filters do not dispose of carbon monoxide and wear out rather swiftly.
  • UV Light Filter: These air purifiers use UV light to help clear away biological pollutants like mold and bacteria. That being said though, UV light filters do not get rid of dust or dander particles like other air filters.

Choosing a Filter or Air Purifier


The type of air filter you ultimately choose will largely be dependent on what kind of filtering best meets your needs. It is further vital to research the air quality index in your area, which can notify you of how much of a problem certain air pollutants are where you live. A good quality air filter will help eliminate some of the unwelcome and hazardous particles in your indoor air. Except, no filter can remove them all. For individuals with allergies or respiratory conditions, even seemingly insignificant improvements in indoor air quality can make a really big difference. However, to do so, you will need to make sure you have good air filters for each room.

You may, however, be able to install an air purifier or a better-quality filter in your existing HVAC system. This may be the most uncomplicated and easiest option contingent on your air filter type. Make sure to work with your Kissimmee property manager to make this upgrade possible. Be that as it may, if these types of filters don’t meet your indoor air quality needs, you may need to obtain one or more additional air purifier units to get to your desired level of air quality. Freestanding air purifiers can help clean the air in bedrooms or other enclosed spaces. Anyhow, smaller units are certainly only effective in small rooms. To clean the air in those large or more open areas of your home, you will be bound to invest in larger, more highly-priced filtering machines.

The filtration models recommended by experts can certainly cost anywhere between $200 and $900 per unit. And always bear in mind the cost of the filters! All air purifiers and filtering machines will have filters that should be replaced or cleaned often. Some of these replacement filters can be pretty pricey. It is a very good idea to check the prices of both the air filtering unit and the replacement filters before ever deciding to buy.

For almost all renters, investing in a high-class air filter or purifier is an exemplary practice to improve indoor air quality and personal health. And if you do your research first, you’ll be able to carefully figure out exactly the size and type of air filter you need.


At Real Property Management South Orlando, we can help you determine which air filtration system best fits the needs of your rental home. To learn more about how our property management team makes sure your home is perfectly taken care of, contact us online or call us at 407-982-2000!


Originally Published on February 14, 2020